Training on occupational safety and hygiene in 2013

 05:25 PM @ Monday - 15 April, 2013

Ho Chi Minh City, on April 15th 2013. Implement the training plan annually, Retail Petroleum Enterprise – Petrolimex Saigon, in collaboration with Center of Testing and Training on Technical Occupational Safety Ho Chi Minh City trained on occupational safety and hygiene in 2013 for all employees of retail petroleum stations took place from 8th to 12th April 2013 at 153A Xo Viet Nghe Tinh Street, Ward 17, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City.

The course provided the knowledge and basic skills of occupational safety and hygiene to help employees: fully aware of the purpose, the meaning of occupational safety and hygiene; the rights and obligations of Labour Union on the periodic health examination; regulations concerning the labour protection of workers; how to handle the situations and the methods of first-aid people in distress; measures to improve labour conditions in the workplace; the observance of rules, processes, ensuring safety when working in the retail petroleum stations, …

On the basis of acquiring knowledge, after completing the course and passing the examination, the trainees were issued certification cards by Center of Testing and Training on Technical Occupational Safety Ho Chi Minh City.

This is one of the important contents in "The Program for Ensuring Safety – Hygiene - Environment" annually of Retail Petroleum Enterprise in particular and Petrolimex Saigon in general to be implemented seriously and collected specific results.

Some pictures of training on occupational health and safety course:

Source:  Nguyen Hong Chuyen  -  Manager of Quality Department
Retail Petroleum Enterprise