Science and Technology Committee of the National Assembly visits and works at Petrolimex Saigon

 03:10 PM @ Monday - 23 April, 2012

April 23rd, 2012. On the occasion of the visit to southern region, Mr. Phan Xuan Dung -Member of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly - The Chairman of the Science and Technology Committee of the National Assembly visited and worked at Petrolimex Saigon.

Mr. Tran Van Thang – President and Director of Petrolimex Saigon briefly reported about the company’s activities, which was the task of stabilizing oil market in Ho Chi Minh City and adjacent provinces. Mr. Nguyen Viet Cuong – Deputy Director, on the behalf of Board of Director, summarized the situation of applications of science and technology in the process of investing infrastructure during the last.

Mr.Tran Van Thang – President and Director of Petrolimex Saigon
thanking to give instructions and of the Science and Technology Committee of the National Assembly

After hearing reports of Petrolimex Saigon, Mr. Phan Xuan Dung acknowledged and praised the company's efforts to invest in modernization, to use the automation equipments into ternminal oil and petroleum stations to manage the quality and the loss of oil as well as to ensure fire prevention safety and environmental protection. He also listened intently opinions to exchange of reflections on the reality of petroleum business and Petrolimex Saigon noted to enhance the quality management of petroleum products, to ensure trading stability, to focus on the consumer’s benefits and environment protection.

On the behalf of all staff, Mr. Tran Van Thang – President and Director of Petrolimex Saigon thanked to the attention, acknowledged the instructions of the Science and Technology Committee of the National Assembly and committed to implement these intructions seriously.

Mr. Phan Xuan Dung – Member of Standing Committee of the National Assembly
awarding for Petrolimex Saigon

Source:  Nguyen Thi Van Anh  -  Specialist of Safety and Environment Technical Department
Petrolimex SAIGON