Ho Chi Minh City, on Frebruary 26th 2013. At the 1st Floor Meeting Hall – Petrolimex Saigon, withthe exciting atmosphere to welcome the Lunar New Year of Snake 2013 and to celebrate the 83rdfounding anniversary of the Viet Nam Communist Party,Party Committee of Central Enterprises Bloc in Ho Chi Minh City held a Meeting to review Party work in 2012 and deployed the tasks in 2013.
Attending the meeting were Mr. Le Ngoc Trung - Deputy Director General of the South Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the representatives of departments of the HoChi Minh City Party Committee.
On the part of Party Committee of Central Enterprises Bloc in HCMC, Mr. Nguyen Van Lich – Secretary of Party Committee presided over the meeting; together with members of Executive Board of Party Committee; leaders of Labour Union and Youth Union; Chairman of Board of Management, Director General, Director, Secretary/Deputy Secretary of Party Committee and Party Committee Branch were represented for 56 Party organizations with 2.089 Party members.
General view of a meeting
In 2012, in condition there were many difficulties but the businesses and agencies in entire Party Committee of Central Enterprises Bloc to complete and exceed the targets of the plan. Performing well the tasks of Defense-Security, social safety and order; Party building, ideological political education, the deployment of good propaganda; communicated and understood theresolutions and conclusions of the 4th, 5th Plenum of the Party Central Committee (11th Tenure) as well as the resolutions and instructions of Party Committee; Completing to reviewin the spirit of the Central Resolution 4 (11thTenure) about “Current urgent issues on Party building”. Regarding the assessment and classification of the Party organizations in 2012, there were 34/56 Party organizations achieved “clean and strong”; 06 Party organizations achieved typically clean and strong (including the Party Committee of Petrolimex Saigon was proposed Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee to review, praise and reward with typically clean and strong Party organization in 3 years (2010-2012); 05 Party Committee and Party Committee Branch directy under Petrolimex Saigon Party Committee (such as: Party Committee of Retail Petroleum Enterprise; Party Committee of Nha Be Oil Terminal; Branch Party Committee of Accounting and Finance, Party Committee Branch 1 directly under Nha Be Oil Terminal, Party Committee Branch 1 directly under Retail Petroleum Enterprise) achieved the standard of typically clean andstrong in 2012); 15 Party organizations completed the good tasks; 07 Party organizations completed the tasks;Party Committee of Central Enterprises Bloc were 1.815/2.028 eligible Party members to complete the tasks, among them 226 Party members completed the tasks excellently.
Some pictures at a meeting:
Comrade Do Duc Thien – Deputy Secretary of Party Standing Committee reviewing the work of Party
Comrade Nguyen Van Lich – Secretary of Party Committee of Central Enterprises Bloc in Ho Chi Minh City concluding at ameeting
Some pictures of Party organizations presenting at a meeting:
1.Presentation on “The Role of Party Committees in leadership and giving instructions to complete theimplementation of political tasks in the stock companies in 2012"of the Party Committee of Material and Technical Services Import-Export Joint Stock Company.
2.Presentation on "Experienceand how to improve the effectiveness of communication, political education of Party Committees of units" of Party Committee of Petrolimex Saigon by Mr. Nguyen Van Canh - Member of the Party Standing Committee, Deputy Director of Petrolimex Saigon, on behalf of Executive Board of the Petrolimex Saigon Party Committee: giving a speech at the meeting (full text of speech).
3.Presentation on "Enhancing the capacity of leadership, combating of Party organizations through maintaining disciplines and improving the quality activities of Party Committee Branch according to Instructing 10-CT/TW of the Secretariat, Guiding 09-HD/BTCTW of the Central Committee Organization" of the Party Committee of SMCTrading Investment Joint Stock Company.
4.Presentation on "Some solutions to improve the effectiveness of developing the new Partymembers" of the Party Committee of Petrolimex International Trading Joint Stock Company.
Some pictures of rewarding at a meeting:
Comrade Nguyen Van Lich – Secretary ofParty Committee of Central Enterprises Bloc in Ho Chi Minh City awarding Certificate of Merit for the Party Committees, Branch Party Committees to achieve the standard of typically clean and strong in 2012
Comrade Do Duc Thien – Deputy Secretary of Party Standing Committee awarding Certificate of Merit for units directly under Branch Party Commtees to achieve the standard of typically clean and strong in 3 years (2010-2012)
Comrade Nguyen Van Lich – Secretary of Party Committee of Central Enterprises Bloc in Ho Chi Minh City awarding Certificate of Merit for eligible Party members to complete the tasks excellently in 2012
Comrade Tran Van Thang – Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of Central Enterprises Bloc in Ho Chi Minh City awarding Certificate of Merit for eligible Party members to complete the tasks excellently in 3 years (2010-2012)