Petrolimex Saigon expands distribution network of E5 RON 92 petrol

 01:25 PM @ Thursday - 19 November, 2015

To implement the directive of the Vietnam National Petroleum Group (Petrolimex), on 07.28.2015, Petroleum Retail Enterprise – Petrolimex Saigon continues to expand retail distribution system of Bio-fuel E5 RON 92 (E5 RON 92 petrol) at 03 petroleum stations in Ho Chi Minh City:

1. Petroleum Station No.06 (address: 123 Vo Thi Sau Street, Ward 6, District 3)

2. Petroleum Station No.26 (address: 410-414 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Ward 4, District 3)

3. Petroleum Station No.49 (address: 254 Luy Ban Bich Street, Phu Tho Hoa Ward, Tan Phu District)

Currently the price of E5 petrol is 500 VND lower than the price of RON 92.

Petroleum Station No.49 officially offering E5 RON 92 to customers

Previously, on November 26th 2014, Petrolimex Saigon offered E5 RON 92 petrolat 05 petroleum stations (No.02, 09, 18, ​​22, 35)and continuing to implement in accordance with the provisions of the Government as well as the route of City in near future.

Certificate of E5 RON 92

On 07.27.2015, Petroleum Station No.06 importingthe first E5 RON 92 batch

Bio-fuel E5 RON 92 is the mixture contains the mineral petroleum with an octane number of 92 and bio-ethanol at the rate of 95% RON 92 petrol : 5% ethanol. Denatured ethanol has high-value of antiknock (RON 109), is blended with RON 92 traditional petroleum increasing anti-knock value of the fuel mixture and engine power, operating smoother and helping fuel consumption saving.

A customer buying E5 RON 92 at Petroleum Station No.26

Photo: Ngo Trung Kien

Source:  Nguyen Minh Thang  -  Deputy Manager of Petroleum Sales Department – Retail Enterprise
Petrolimex Saigon