On June 28th/2017, Petrolimex Saigon held the Information Technology (IT) Summation Conference from year 2010 to 2017 setting the strategic orientation to 2025, vision 2030. Petrolimex Saigon’s Chairman Nguyen Van Canh steered the IT Conference.
Overview the Conference
Attending at the Conference, there were Board of Directors, Heads / Deputy Heads of the Company Departments, Directors and Heads of affiliated units such as: Petroleum Retail Enterprise, Nha Be Oil Terminal And Petroleum Environmental and Technology Services (PETS) Limited Company; Together with all IT staffs from across the Company.
From the early 1990s until 2000- when the Internet began to explode and flourish in Vietnam, Petrolimex Saigon, with the strength of inheriting the State-of-the-art IBM computer system was one of those pioneering units in the field of informatics - automation, raised as a phenomenon, especially in the context of strong industrialization and modernization of Vietnam. This period saw many breakthrough and daring ideas, greeted those there had been many policies to attract talents in the field of information technology of Petrolimex Saigon.
Since June 2012, Petrolimex has officially applied the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system with SAP technology and software, petroleum store management program eGas on over 42 members petroleum companies.
Therefore, since 2011, Petrolimex Saigon has stepped-up investment in IT infrastructure to serve the ERP system such as expanding the transmission lines, upgrading the workstation configuration, data center at the building addresses 15 Le Duan and for Disaster Recovery solutions with the directions of the Group, ... About the software: Petrolimex Saigon has actively shifted to invest / develop utility programs, support production and business activities. Such as eOffice, GIS import / export simulation, customer service management, petroleum quality, etc ... Generally, those investment above did bring effectiveness to Petrolimex Saigon’s management operation.
The investment value of IT infrastructure of Petrolimex Sai Gon Stage 2010 - 2017
(Unit: Billion)
Strategic planning to 2025 - Vision 2030, Chairman of Petrolimex Saigon Nguyen Van Canh affirmed: The industrial revolution 4.0 is booming in the world is the opportunity and also the challenge, which requires us to " Rethinking about the future”, having the suitable vision, goals and strategy for the new stage of development. The chairman asked the IT team to look straightforwardly to take the pros and cons with the spirit of seriousness and innovation to redefine the role of IT in the Company with pioneering breakthroughs in Petroleum business, accomplish the following specific strategic objectives:
Until 2018: Synchronizing and completing the existing software system with high compatibility with trends of social development;
From 2019 until 2020: Automating the management of petroleum warehouses with more than 50% of operations and step by step automating the petroleum retail sector with more than 30 auto sale petroleum stations;
From 2021 until 2025: IT capability in Operations Management of The company / Warehouses and Terminal facility and petroleum business on par with Singapore, Thailand on IT application and automation. Accordingly, the operating office of the company is going to be "open e-office" with fresh, diversified work relations; Operating warehouses and port with more than 70% of the activities are computerized - automation; Petroleum retail with over 50 auto sale petrol stations;
From 2025 until 2030: this is the stage that the Company is ready to compete with the trading of petroleum from developed countries in the world.
Chairman of Petrolimex Saigon Nguyen Van Canh: "We must look straightforwardly to take the pros and cons with serious spirit, to redefine the role of IT in the Company as pioneering and breakthrough part, leading in the Petroleum business "
At the Conference, representatives from several departments of the company / affiliated units presented with many valuable ideas, practical and closed to the production and business activities of the Company, as the same time, committed with strong coordination to the IT team accomplishing excellently the set out task - "Taking you further".
Some images at the conference:
Deputy Director of Petrolimex Saigon - CIO Dao Van Hung reports IT activities and sets out the direction of development in the coming time
Head of IT Department of Petrolimex Saigon Vo Van Son reports IT summit at the conference
Deputy Director of Petrolimex Saigon Duong Van Phi ...
And Deputy Director of Petrolimex Saigon Pham Binh Duong speaking at the conference
Director of Petrolimex Saigon Petroleum Retail Nguyen Tien Quang with the speech: "Egas system's effectiveness and limitations in commodity management at petroleum stations"
Deputy Director of Nha Be Oil Terminal Pham Binh Phuong with the speech: "The impact of ERP on the regulations, import and export at the Terminal”
Sales Manager of Petrolimex Saigon Le Van Khoi with the speech: "Difficulties and recommendations for IT application in business"
Deputy Head of Financial Accounting Department of Petrolimex Saigon Hoang Thi Xuan Huong with the speech: "Assessment of ability to meet IT softwares with statistical, accounting, financial and management reports"
Head of Petrolimex Saigon Quality Managerment devision Nguyen Thi Thu with the speech "Assessing the role of information technology in exploiting SAP - ERP"
Head of Petrolimex Saigon Petroleum Technical department Dinh Tan Loi with the speech: "IT application in petroleum technical work at the Company"
Deputy Head of Petrolimex Saigon Information Technology Department Su Tri Thuc
Deputy Head of Petrolimex Saigon Information Technology Department Tran Trong Tuan ...
And Deputy Head of Petrolimex Saigon Quality Management devision Nguyen Thanh Tam exchanges ideas at the Conference
Photos: Nam Phuong