Ho Chi Minh City, on April 18th 2013. Responding to the “Month of Action for Safety – Hygiene – Environment” by the Labour Union and Youth Union launched, after a week of training on the occupational safety and hygiene; and safety - hygiene workers, on April 15th 2013 at Nha Be Oil Terminal, Retail Petroleum Enterprise – Petrolimex Saigon coodinated with Division of Nha Be Fire Prevention Police and Nha Be Preventive Medicine Center trained to use the fire fighting equipments initially in the form of real fire and the first aid training for leaders and workers of petrol stations. Training time: from April 15th to May 5th 2013.
General view of Fire Prevention training course
Speaking in the opening session, Deputy Director – Directorof Labour Union of Retail Petroleum Enterprise Tran Quang Tho emphasized the importance of training to use the fire fighting equipments during the production business process; the basic knowledge of first-aid; how to handle situations; the method of first-aid people in distress and the initial first-aid techniques for employees at retail petroleum stations.
Through the training, the employees understanded the manipulation processes and used of the competent fire fighting equipments; techniques on bandaged wounds, respiratory techniques to stop breathing, techniques of moving the victim out of the danger zone, emergency when gettingan electric shock and burnt, how to take care of victims, …
On behalf of Nha Be Fire Prevention Police Division, Deputy Manager - Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Van Xa requested the trainees to completethe content of training, implement and seriously studied programs that the Steering Committee proposed for class.
Deputy Director and Chairman of Labour Union of Retail Petroleum Enterprise Tran Quang Tho opening the course
Deputy Manager of the Nha Be Fire Prevention Police Division- Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Van Xa giving instructions of the course
The teacher of Nha Be Preventive Medicine Center guiding the first-aid
The fire prevention and the first-aid training are always enjoyed keen attention and given instructions timely of the Petrolimex Saigonleaders, especially to improve the sense of responsibility for the employees.The fire prevention safety is hidden deep in the subconscious of each employee, as a condition of survival for Petrolimex Saigon in order to maintain the activities and sustainable development; contributing to the general development of VietNam National Petroleum Group.
Some pictures of the course: