On 23.11.2015, atPetrolimex Saigon, Economic Research Board - Central Trading Enterprises Bloc Party inHo Chi Minh City organizes the symposium: "Opportunities and challenges for Vietnam Enterprises participating in the Economic Agreement Trans Pacific Partnership - TPP". Attending and speaking, Former Party Central Commissioner - Former Trade Minister Truong Dinh Tuyen - Economic Expert/ Negotiation Advisor in many important trade agreements for Vietnam Government including TPP.
Former Party Central Comissioner - Former Trade Minister Truong Dinh Tuyen introducing about TPP agreement
Attending at the conference are Standing Committee Commissioners, Executive Board, Board of Economic Research Ho Chi Minh City Central Commercial Bussiness Bloc Party member;the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of the Bloc Party Cells Committees; Board Directors, Enterprise Directors, Trade Union Chairman and Secretary of the Base Union together with the experts of the Devisions, Unions, Central Commercial BussinessYouth League Ho Chi Minh City.TowardPetrolimex Saigon are Party Executive Committees, Directors Board and subsidiary enterprises, Conpany managers/ Deputy managers of Professional Departments, Bloc Party Standing Committee Departments, Party Cells Secrectary;Union Standing Committee, Secretary/ Deputy Secretary of the Company Youth Union.
The conference overview
On 10.05.2015, Commerce Ministers from 12 countries participating in the TPP negotiations formally declare an agreement aims to integrate the economies of the Asia - Pacific.Thereby, helping the member countries to expand cooperation, promoting economic growth, improving, supporting jobs and help raise living standards for the citizen, protecting workers and the environment, improving the competitive edge, transparent and fair to all economic sectors.
Making opening speech at the conference, Party Committee Deputy Secretary – Economic Research Board Manager at Central Commercial Business Bloc Party inHo Chi Minh City Trinh Ba Bo confirming: This is a great opportunity at the same time is not small challenge for Vietnam enterprises in general and enterprises ofHo Chi Minh CityCentral Commercial Business Bloc Partyin particular.Organizing the conference in order to provide the basic information of the Agreement, the advantages and disadvantages involve inthe TPPprocess, thereby helping enterprises and Party members of Bloc Party have a comprehensive perspective about trend of economic integration of Vietnam with region and on over the World.
Party Committee Deputy Secretary - Economic Research Board Manager at Central Commercial Business Bloc Party inHo Chi Minh City – Petrolimex SaigonParty Committee Deputy Secretary Trinh Ba Bo opening the Conference
At the conference, Former Commissioner of Party Central - Former Minister of Trade (now the Ministry of Industry and Trade) Truong Dinh Tuyen imparting basic contents of the TPP and saying that Vietnam will attract more foreign investment, increasing exports, providing a framework for institutional reform and renewal follow the Party’s route, raising Vietnam's position in the international arena.Besides there are challenges such as competition will become more intense, companies will have to develop the network, improving market institutions to develop products.The government also has many challenges in the field of institutional reforms to increase competitiveness, attract investment.Opportunity don’t turn themselves into benefits, however creative thinking will bring the element of competition and effective business development.In addition, institutional reform to facilitate business development, while ensuring the interests of three parties (Workers - Enterprise - Government) will contribute to the sustainable growth...
Numerous participants at the conference
On behalf of Standing Committee, Central Commercial Business Bloc Party Secretary Do Duc Thien sincerely thank Mr. Truong Dinh Tuyen because of his enthusiasm, tremendous responsibility and deep feelings bringing information, extremely useful knowledge on globalization and economic integration World helping Vietnam Enterprises firmly on the international arena.Also proposing enterprise leaders continue to delve into the TPP, resolution of the Party Congress, Resolution Party XII Congress is coming to restructure the Enterprises, making viable production and business plan promoting the advantages of traditional products, creating innovative capabilities for Enterprises continues to grow rapidly and sustainably.
Central Commercial Business Bloc Party Secretary in Ho Chi Minh City Do Duc Thien saying thanks and concluding the conference